Numeracy at Deer Park West Primary School
At Deer Park West Primary School, daily mathematics instruction is part of every classroom. Students across the school are introduced to mathematical concepts through the use of manipulatives including the use of dice, cards, counters, icy pole sticks, MAB blocks, measurement tools, 2D and 3D shape models, clocks, play money and probability tools to model their thinking and understanding.
What you can do at home to support your child’s Numeracy learning
Find opportunities in everyday life for counting, such as counting items when shopping, including fruit and vegetables
Look for numbers in the environment, such as when out walking, read numbers on letter boxes or road signs
Play board games and card games with your child to practise addition and subtraction, chance and probability
Take your children shopping and let them estimate how much the shopping is going to come to, based on the prices of the items you are buying
Order food items from smallest to largest based on their capacity or weight
When cooking from a recipe, have your child do the measuring of ingredients
Dice make a great addition to any toy collection. Roll the dice and say, make or write the numbers identified. Roll the dice and add/multiply the numbers together to find the total