Literacy at Deer Park West Primary School
Building excellence in the teaching and learning of English is a key priority at Deer Park West Primary School. The essential features of the DPW English program are as follows;
Two hours of explicit English teaching and learning occurs in each classroom, every day. This includes time devoted to the development of Reading, comprehension, reading skills, habits and behaviours, Writing, and oral language (Speaking and Listening).
Teachers employ a range of whole class, small group and individual instructional practices based on the needs of their students.
Assessment practices are used to identify, set differentiated student goals, and teach to the point of need of each student.
Talk and interact with your child everyday. This will extend their language and listening skills, and help to grow their confidence with language.
Talk as much as you can with your child and engage them in conversation often (in your home language and in English)
Include your child when discussing everyday activities such as grocery shopping, gardening, cooking dinner, collecting mail from the mailbox, doing housework, and travelling in the car or bus
Outings can also provide a world of new vocabulary. Discussion during outings can enrich your child’s understanding of the world. Outings might include going to the park, the zoo, a shopping centre, museums, libraries and art galleries
Story-telling is a great way to extend your child’s language and listening skills, as well as expanding their imagination. Either you can tell the story, or encourage your child to tell the story
Encourage your child to tell you about what they did during the day at Kinder, Childcare or School. Ask them what activities they did, who they played with and what they enjoyed doing
As your child gets older, discuss the news and current events can enrich your child’s understanding of the world.
What can you do at home to support your child with Speaking and Listening?
What can you do at home to support your child with Reading?
Provide your child with access to a wide range of books, by borrowing books from our school library and from the local library. Deer Park Library is located next to Brimbank Shopping Centre
Organise a bookshelf to display your child’s books
Regularly talk with your child about what they are reading
Read aloud together with your child. Reading together will increase your child’s vocabulary, expand your child’s understanding of the world, and gives them confidence when using language. Reading aloud is also an important way to make the link between spoken words and written words.
Provide them with writing materials such as paper, notepads, pens and pencils, and encourage them to write for a range of everyday reasons such as practising writing their name, writing birthday cards, writing shopping lists or letters to friends and family
Encourage your child to read back their writing, pointing to the words as they read
Encourage your child to draw a picture or create something to match their writing