Enrolment Information
Deer Park West Primary School welcomes families to become part of our amazing school community!
To enrol at Deer Park West Primary School, we require the following documentation:
Proof of address- current rental agreement (if renting) or current rates notice from council (if you own your home).
2 other forms of ID with the parent/guardian’s name and address eg: driver’s licence, a current bill etc.
Child’s Birth Certificate
Child’s Immunisation Certificate from Medicare
Health Care Card
Passport (if student was born overseas)
Visa details/paperwork (if currently on a Visa)
Click here to download and complete the Student Enrolment Form. This form can be typed into and then saved onto your device. Also, click here to download and complete the student Consent Forms which need to be read over and then signed by a parent/guardian. Once completed, please email the forms to the school along with all other required documents explained above. Alternatively, you can collect a hard copy of the forms from the school office.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
For information regarding our school zone please visit the School Zones page.